⭐ BEST Forex Brokers for Beginners

...where trading conditions allow fair practice with lowest risks

Best Forex Brokers for Beginners CHECKLIST:

Lowest minimum deposit — under $300
Highest leverage — sufficient for small investments, 1:400 and up
Micro lot trading — lowest risks
Lowest spreads — favor short-term trading practice
No commission — easier management
Fair levels for Margin Call and Stop Outs — the higher the better
Regulated — avoid unnecessary risks
Best Forex Brokers for Beginners = where trading conditions allow fair practice with lowest risks ...read more

Best Forex Brokers for Beginners CHECKLIST:

Lowest minimum deposit — under $300
Highest leverage — sufficient for small investments, 1:400 and up
Micro lot trading — lowest risks
Lowest spreads — favor short-term trading practice
No commission — easier management
Fair levels for Margin Call and Stop Outs — the higher the better
Regulated — avoid unnecessary risks

Compare Best Forex Brokers for Beginners

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Forex broker
Min deposit
Leverage Lot Spread* Commission** Margin Call NB Protection Type CountryCountry Regulation Platforms Popularity
10 $5000.01 lot0.8 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, WebTraderCook IslandsCook IslandsFSC Cook IslandsSTP, DMA Low
100 $4000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % MT5 Cyprus CyprusCySECMM Average
50 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Australia AustraliaASICSTP, DMA Low
1 $5000.01 lot0.4 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, Autochartist Cyprus CyprusCySECMM, DMA High
100 $5000.01 lot1.2 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5 Cyprus CyprusCySECMM Low
100 $4000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % x MT5 Seychelles SeychellesFSAMM, ECN marketing Lowest
10 $10000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 90 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP, ECN pricing Low
20 $5000.01 lot1.5 pips$ 0 100 % MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMM, STP, DMA Lowest
50 $50000.01 lot1.2 pips$ 0 80 % MT4, MT5 Mauritius MauritiusFSCSTP, ECN marketing Average
1 $5000.01 lot1.1 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT5, cTrader, Trading Central Mauritius MauritiusFSCMM, STP Average
1 $5000.01 lot0.7 pips$ 0 80 % MT4, Next Generation UK UKFCAMM High
10 $10000.001 lot0.6 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT5Saint LuciaSaint LuciaFSRA Saint LuciaMM, DMA, ECN marketing Low
1 $10000.01 lot0.5 pips$ 0 150 % x MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader Malta MaltaMFSAMM, STP High
10 $30000.01 lot0.02 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT5 Mauritius MauritiusFSCSTP Low
100 $5000.01 lot1.1 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal UK UKFCASTP, DMA Low
1 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT5 Seychelles SeychellesFSAMM, DMA, ECN marketing Low
200 $4000.01 lot1.3 pips$ 0 100 % x MT5, MT5 WebTerminal BVI BVIFSCSTP, DMA, ECN pricing Low
100 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 80 % x MT4, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Australia AustraliaASICMM, DMA High
100 $20000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Seychelles SeychellesFSADMA, ECN pricing Average
1 $10000.01 lot0.6 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, cTrader BVI BVIFSCMM, STP Average
1 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal UK UKFCASTP, DMA, ECN pricing Low
50 $5000.01 lot0 pips$ -1 100 % MT5 Australia AustraliaASICMM, STP, DMA, ECN pricing Lowest
50 $5000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMM, DMA, ECN pricing Low
1 $5000.01 lot0 pips$ 0 100 % MT4 Cyprus CyprusCySECSTP, ECN marketing Average
200 $4000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 80 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMM, DMA, ECN pricing Low
10 $5000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal Mauritius MauritiusFSCMM, STP Low
50 $5000.01 lot1.2 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, XCritical Online Mauritius MauritiusFSCMM, ECN marketing Low
200 $5000.01 lot0.6 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Trading Central, cTrader Australia AustraliaASICMM, DMA High
1 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 80 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, Autochartist Bahamas BahamasSCBSTP, ECN marketing Average
100 $5000.01 lot0.5 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Cyprus CyprusCySECSTP, DMA, ECN pricing Average
100 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 120 % x MT4 Mauritius MauritiusFSCSTP, DMA, ECN marketing Average
50 $5000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % MT4 Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP, DMA, ECN marketing Low
5 $10000.01 lot1.1 pips$ 0 100 % cTrader Seychelles SeychellesFSAMM, DMA Average
100 $5000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Vanuatu VanuatuVFSC, FMADMA, ECN marketing Low
1 $40000.01 lot0.9 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, WebTrader BVI BVIFSCMM, STP Average
300 $5000.01 lot0.8 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5 Seychelles SeychellesFSADMA Low
50 $5000.01 lot1.2 pips$ 0 80 % MT4, MT5, WebTrader Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCSTP, DMA, ECN pricing Average
10 $10000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, Trading Central, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Cyprus CyprusCySECMM, DMA, ECN marketing Average
1 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 80 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader, Autochartist Australia AustraliaASICSTP, DMA High
20 $5000.01 lot1.3 pips$ 0 120 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Autochartist, PU Prime App Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP, DMA, ECN Average
250 $5000.01 lot0.7 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, WebTrader Cyprus CyprusCySECSTP Average
1 $5000.01 lot0.9 pips$ 0 80 % MT4, WebTrader Mauritius MauritiusFSCSTP High
10 $10000.01 lot0.3 pips$ 0 100 % MT5, WebTraderComorosComorosMISA ComorosSTP, ECN pricing Low
10 $10000.01 lot1.5 pips$ 0 100 % x Simple Trader, WebTrader, Trading Central Seychelles SeychellesFSAMM, STP, DMA Low
100 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT5, IRESS, Trading Central Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCSTP, DMA Average
200 $5000.01 lot0.5 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, cTrader Seychelles SeychellesFSADMA Low
1 $5000.01 lot0.6 pips$ 0 100 % TN Trader, MT4, MT4 WebTerminal Seychelles SeychellesFSAMM, STP, DMA Low
100 $4000.01 lot0.1 pips$ 0 110 % x MT4, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Currenex, cTrader Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMASTP, DMA, ECN pricing High
10 $10000.01 lot1.3 pips$ 0 100 % MT5 Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP Low
250 $10000.01 lot1.3 pips$ 0 100 % MT5 Cyprus CyprusCySECSTP Lowest
50 $5000.01 lot1.2 pips$ 0 100 % MT4, MT5 Malaysia MalaysiaLFSADMA, ECN pricing Lowest
200 $5000.01 lot1.4 pips$ 0 80 % x MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Trading Central Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMASTP, DMA, ECN pricing Average
50 $10000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % MT4 Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP, DMA, ECN-pricing Low
100 $5000.01 lot1.2 pips$ 0 80 % MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5 Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMASTP, ECN pricing Low
100 $4000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % MT4 Cyprus CyprusCySECMM Average
10 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4, MT5Antigua and BarbudaAntigua and BarbudaFSRC Antigua and BarbudaMM, STP, ECN marketing Low
100 $5000.01 lot1 pips$ 0 100 % MT4 Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP, DMA, ECN pricing Low
50 $20000.01 lot1.5 pips$ 0 100 % x MT4 Seychelles SeychellesFSASTP, ECN marketing Average
* EURUSD spread
** Commission per standard lot Round Turn

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Imtiaz Aslam

I need a cent account with swap free facility.
And copy trading facilities to.

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