⭐ DOM Forex Brokers

DOM = Depth Of the Market = Order Book = Real-time Supply & Demand

  • DOM = Number of Pending Buy/Sell Orders at the Nearest Price Levels
  • The higher is the Number of Pending Orders (Market Volume) the deeper is the Market Liquidity
  • True DOM data is found with DMA and ECN brokers
  • MM and STP brokers cannot deliver true DOM due to their Dealing model being distant form the real Market. Instead trading platforms (such as MT5 with built-in DOM feature) may display data on the Latest Price Quotes only, wrongfully calling it DOM
DOM (Depth Of the Market) = Number of Pending Buy/Sell Orders at the Nearest Price Levels ...read more
  • DOM = Number of Pending Buy/Sell Orders at the Nearest Price Levels
  • The higher is the Number of Pending Orders (Market Volume) the deeper is the Market Liquidity
  • True DOM data is found with DMA and ECN brokers
  • MM and STP brokers cannot deliver true DOM due to their Dealing model being distant form the real Market. Instead trading platforms (such as MT5 with built-in DOM feature) may display data on the Latest Price Quotes only, wrongfully calling it DOM
Forex broker DOM Type
Min deposit
Leverage Spread* Commission**
DOMECN pricing25 $10000.6 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing10 $10001.2 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA100 $5000.2 pips4 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing10000 $5000 pips0 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing1 $300 pips5 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN pricing100 $20000.6 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA1 $4000.7 pips18 $
DOMSTP, DMA10000 $5000 pips5 $
DOMSTP, DMA25 $1000 pips6 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing100 $5000.4 pips0 $
DOMDMA100000 $1000 pips4 $
DOMDMA, ECN1000 $5000 pips0 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing500 $30000 pips5 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing200 $2000 pips5 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing500 $5000 pips4 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN pricing50 $4002 pips4 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing2000 $2000.3 pips6 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing3000 $2000 pips7 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing1 $10001 pips3 $
DOMMM, ECN marketing10000 $2000.1 pips16 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing1000 $5000 pips5 $
DOMECN50000 $1000 pips3.9 $
DOMSTP, DMA100 $20000 pips12 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing2000 $5000.1 pips12 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing1 $2000 pips5 $
DOMMM, DMA100 $5000 pips14 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing50 $10000 pips7 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA100 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing50 $50001.2 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing1000 $3000.8 pips0 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing1000 $10000.1 pips5 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing100 $5000.4 pips4 $
DOMSTP, DMA200 $1000 pips6 $
DOMDMA500 $300 pips5 $
DOMSTP, DMA500 $2000.1 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing500 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing100 $10000 pips6 $
DOMMM, ECN pricing100 $1000.1 pips9 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing1 $5000 pips10 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing1000 $3001 pips0 $
DOMMM, DMA100 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing1000 $5000.5 pips10 $
DOMDMA, ECN marketing1 $10000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA1000 $10000 pips14 $
DOMDMA10000 €50.3 pips5 $
DOMMM, DMA200 $88880 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing100 $4000 pips6 $
DOMDMA250 $5000.1 pips10 $
DOMMM, DMA1 $500 pips14 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing100 $5000 pips7 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA, ECN pricing500 $300 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA100 $5000 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing10 $10000 pips4 $
DOMDMA1 $5000 pips5 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing1 $5000 pips0 $
DOMDMA1 $2000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing100 $2001.6 pips6 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA25000 $300.2 pips25 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN pricing 1 $300.2 pips5.98 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing2500 $3000 pips8 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing5 $50000 pips6 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA, ECN pricing100 $300.2 pips3 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing300 $300 pips3 $
DOMSTP, DMA1000 $5000 pips7 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing500 $20000.1 pips4 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing5 €5000 pips2 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing500 $2000.7 pips7 $
DOMMM, DMA1000 €4000 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA20000 $4000.3 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA1000 $1000 pips20 $
DOMDMA2500 $3000 pips20 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing200 $2000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA5000 $2000 pips7 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN pricing500 $1000.4 pips10 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing50 $20000.9 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing1000 $5000 pips2 $
DOMSTP, DMA100 $80000 pips3 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing10000 $5000.2 pips
DOMDMA, ECN pricing1 $1000.1 pips7 $
DOMDMA1 $500.5 pips4 $
DOMMM, DMA200 $5000 pips7 $
DOMMM, DMA1000 £300 pips6 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing100 $5000.2 pips15 $
DOMMM, ECN marketing100 $2000 pips7 $
DOMMM, DMA100 $5000 pips7 $
DOMDMA500 $4000.3 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing100 $5000 pips2 $
DOMMM, DMA100 $30000 pips6 $
DOMMM, DMA10000 $2005 pips2 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN pricing200 $5000 pips5 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN pricing1000 $10000 pips0.3 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing200 $4001.2 pips0 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing50 $5000 pips10 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing50 $300 pips10 $
DOMECN10000 $1000 pips5 $
DOMMM, DMA500 $5000 pips7 $
DOMDMA, ECN marketing100 $5000 pips8 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing500 $5000 pips8 $
DOMDMA300 $5000.8 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing200 $5000 pips6 $
DOMMM, DMA25 $10000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing5000 $5000.1 pips6 $
DOMDMA, ECN marketing10000 $4000.6 pips
DOMMM, DMA100 $10000 pips7 $
DOMMM, ECN marketing1000 $2000 pips10 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing5000 $1000 pips7 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing1 $10000 pips10 $
DOMSTP, DMA200 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing5000 $5000.6 pips0 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN1000 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing100 $300.3 pips10 $
DOMMM, DMA200 $5000 pips5 $
DOMDMA, ECN marketing1 $1000 pips4 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing10 $5000 pips4 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN25000 $1000 pips10 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA20000 $5000 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing10000 $3000.2 pips10 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing10 $10000 pips1.5 $
DOMSTP, DMA5000 $300 pips10 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing50 $5000 pips
DOMMM, STP, ECN pricing1 $10000 pips0 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN pricing200 $2000 pips8 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing100 $5000.2 pips8 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing100 $2000 pips8 $
DOMSTP, DMA10000 $5000.1 pips
DOMDMA1000 $300.2 pips5 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing200 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA100 $5000 pips7 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing1000 $5001 pips0 $
DOMMM, ECN marketing50 $1000.6 pips0 $
DOMDMA200 $5000 pips5.5 $
DOMMM, STP marketing, ECN marketing3000 $2000 pips
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing2000 $5000 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing10 $10000 pips3 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing25000 $1000 pips5 $
DOMMM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing25000 $5000 pips11 $
DOMMM, ECN marketing400 $5000.8 pips10 $
DOMDMA, ECN pricing50 $5001.2 pips0 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN pricing1 $5000 pips6 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing500 $5000 pips6 $
DOMMM, DMA25 $5000 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN marketing5000 $300 pips0 $
DOMMM, DMA, ECN marketing5000 $5000 pips8 $
DOMSTP, ECN pricing100 $5000 pips6 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing100 $2001.5 pips15 $
DOMSTP, ECN marketing250 $1000.2 pips
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing1 $5000.6 pips0 $
DOMMM, STP, ECN marketing10 $5000.01 pips7 $
DOMSTP, DMA10 $10000 pips15 $
DOMSTP, DMA, ECN pricing100 $300.2 pips7.5 $
* EURUSD Spread as low as
** Commission per standard lot Round Turn

DOM Forex broker

a DMA or ECN broker that offers Market Depth data on its trading platform

How DOM works?

  • DOM (also known as "Order book") shows real-time supply and demand in the Market (e.g. How many pending buy/sell orders are there (Volume) and at Which prices)
  • DOM is a feature of a No-Dealing Desk brokers with access to the real Market, such as DMA and ECNs
  • MM brokers can't have true DOM, as they are the Makers of their own Market (provide In-House trading). DOM feature with MM is unnatural & has nothing to do with the real Market. It's just data on In-House prices.
  • STP brokers can't have true DOM either, as they merely pass Orders to another Market maker(s) without accumulating a pool of competitive price quotes from Liquidity Providers & Order Volume. DOM is about seeing real supply-demand from the Market participants, not a single counterparty participant. Thus DOM feature with STP brokers is also unnatural & has nothing to do with the real Market. It's just data on prices at which Orders were executed with a designated Market maker.
  • Note: MT5 Forex trading platform comes with built-in DOM feature. Yet, whether this DOM data be true or not depends on the broker you trade with.



Depth of the Market with Forex brokers should be treated the same as any other indicator, and not much more.

There is no central market for Forex trading, thus the Depth of the Market you will see on your MT5 platform is the "depth" for ONE broker only, and not the entire Forex market.
That sums it all.


Can I rely on MT5 DOM?

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